Updated 2020-05-12
疫情爆发后,国际处通过微信、邮件等方式积极联系境内外的外籍专家及教师,确保每一位在册外教了解各级防控政策。通过建立“日报告”“零报告”制度,与外教一对一沟通,及时、准确地掌握境内外的外教动态与健康状况;做好相关政策解释工作,照顾在华外教的合理关切,并主动联络在第三国停留的外教,加强人文关怀;通过现场走访、慰问等方式为在校外教发放口罩等防疫物资,协助解决生活实际困难;妥善做好外籍教师的线上教学安排,尽力做到境外与境内教学同步,不影响学生学业。泰国籍外教Somsak Navayuth认真学习使用企业微信平台开展线上授课,在授课前多次试播,线上教学效果良好。爱尔兰籍外教Peter Paul Delargy克服时差问题,多次协调上课时间,保证了线上课程的顺利开展。疫情防控期间,外教对学校的人文关怀及我国向外教所在国捐赠防疫物资表达了感谢,并分享了境外疫情形势及自身感受。
After the outbreak, the International Office of Chongqing Technology and Business University actively contacted foreign experts and teachers at home and abroad through WeChat and email to ensure that every foreign teacher understands the COVID-19 prevention and control policies. The office established a “daily report” system, and conduct one-to-one communication with foreign teachers. It takes care of the reasonable concerns of foreign teachers in China, and actively contact? foreign teachers abroad and distribute masks and other anti-epidemic materials to foreign teachers at school.
Thai foreign teacher Somsak Navayuth earnestly learns to use the enterprise WeChat platform to carry out online teaching, and has been piloted several times before the lecture, and the online teaching effect is good. Irish foreign teacher Peter Paul Delargy overcomes the problem of jet lag and coordinated the class time many times to ensure the smooth development of online courses.
During the epidemic prevention and control period, foreign teachers expressed gratitude for the school’s humanistic care and donation of epidemic prevention materials.
(Credit: Chongqing Technology and Business University)
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