Making the decision to come to China wasn’t an easy one, I’d always been intrigued by the country but I’d also been nervous due to a lot of horror stories I’d heard. After a year of living in China, I’ve found that the people here are super friendly and go above and beyond to make sure you’re ok. There have obviously been times of melancholy and homesickness, but those times make the moments of wonder and awe all the more stunning. I’m extremely happy that I chose to trust my gut and took the chance on coming to China.

Teresa Currie
HNU Qianjiang College
We welcome foreign teachers from different countries to visit our university, join our faculty and teach our students about your country and your language. Our campus is beautiful, peaceful, full of green trees. When you wake up in the morning, you hear birds chirping and you see sunshine coming through your window. It would be a very different experience and hope every teacher can enjoy our campus as much as you enjoy our country and our culture.

Ms. Wang Li
International Office, Henan Normal University
I’m amazed at foreigners who come here who think they still live in the West and have the same privileges, rights and same laws to adhere to as in the West. Foreign teachers will abide by the same laws as the Chinese must. Accept, adapt to it or, don’t come. I might add that it isn’t that hard to adapt to if you can act and conduct yourself maturely as a world traveler. You’d have to do the same in any country you visit.

Michael Murphy
Zhengzhou University
I understand some teachers might pass over university jobs because of the lower pay, but one thing I want mention is that the working experience you gained in the higher education sector will help your career in the long run. I am glad that more and more teachers are aware of that and are attracted by the university vibe and those who are already working at a university are doing a good job and are keeping a good relation with their employers.

Jett Long
Coordinator, ISAC University Teaching Program
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