Shandong Agricultural University

Shandong Agricultural University


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Introduction to Shandong Agricultural University

Shandong Agricultural University (山东农业大学, website) is located at the foot of the majestic Mount Tai, formerly the Shandong Higher Agricultural School founded in Jinan in 1906. After several changes, it was adjusted by the national departments and departments in 1952 to establish Shandong Agricultural College. It moved from Jinan to Tai’an in 1958 and changed its name to Shandong Agricultural University in 1983. In July 1999, the former Shandong Agricultural University and Shandong Water Conservancy College merged, while the Shandong Forestry School merged to form a new Shandong Agricultural University. At present, the school has developed into a multidisciplinary university with agricultural sciences as its advantages and life sciences as its features, integrating agriculture, science, engineering, management, economics, law, law, and art.

Shandong Agricultural University is a university jointly established by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Shandong Provincial People’s Government. The State Forestry and Grassland Administration and the Shandong Provincial People’s Government jointly establish a university. It is the first batch of outstanding agricultural and forestry personnel education and training by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the National Forestry and Grassland Administration. The planned reform pilot universities are one of the first five prestigious universities in Shandong with basic characteristics and the first national civilized campus. In recent years, the employment rate of school graduates has been above 92%, and the postgraduate entrance examination rate has been above 35%. It has been awarded the National Top 50 Universities for Typical Employment Experiences and the Top 50 National Universities for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Shandong Agricultural University currently has 34,904 students, including 30,783 undergraduates and 4,121 postgraduates. In addition, there are 133 on-the-job students studying for a master’s degree, and 15,451 continuing education students. At present, there are 2,483 faculty members, including 1,050 professors and associate professors, one academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and three academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Eleven experts have been selected as national “Billion Talent Projects”, and young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions 6 1 person, one specially-appointed professor of the “Yangtze River Scholars Award Program”, 1 National Thousand Talents Program, 2 National Young Thousand Talents Program, 4 National Ten Thousand Talents Program, 6 National Outstanding Youth Science Fund winners, and 2 National Excellent Youth , 4 national-level teaching teachers; 2 innovation teams of the Yangtze River Scholars and Innovation Team Development Plan, 3 national-level teaching teams; 50 Taishan series engineering experts, including 1 Taishan scholar advantage and special subject talent team, Taishan scholar climbing There are 4 planning experts, 23 Taishan scholars specially-appointed experts, 12 Taishan scholars young experts, and 10 Taishan industry leading talent engineering experts.

Shandong Agricultural University has 12 post-doctoral research stations, 12 first-level subject doctoral programs, 24 first-level master programs, 2 second-level master programs, 8 master’s degree programs, 91 undergraduate programs; National key laboratories, 2 national key disciplines, 2 national engineering laboratories, 2 national engineering technology research centers; 2 key disciplines of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, 1 comprehensive key laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, 2 agricultural and rural areas Ministry’s professional (regional) key laboratories, 2 agricultural scientific observation experimental stations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, 1 national agricultural product processing technology research and development professional center, 1 national wheat improvement sub-center, 1 agricultural and rural agricultural product quality safety supervision and inspection Testing Center, 1 National Agricultural and Rural Information Demonstration Base, 1 Ministry of Science and Technology, New Rural Development Research Institute of Ministry of Education, 1 National Wheat Breeding and Cultivation Technology Innovation Base, 1 Huanghuaihai Regional Corn Technology Innovation Center, 1 National Forestry And Grassland Bureau Positioning Observation and Research Station, 1 State Forestry and Grassland Bureau Key Laboratory; 21 provincial key disciplines, 5 Level collaborative innovation center, 11 provincial key laboratories, 15 provincial engineering technology research centers, 4 provincial international cooperative research centers, 2 provincial engineering laboratories, 1 provincial humanities and social science research base, 2 Provincial new think tanks, 1 provincial science and education base. The school has 5 national-level excellent courses, 2 national-level bilingual demonstration courses, 5 national-level excellent resource sharing courses, 9 national-level specialty programs, 2 national-level talent training model innovation experimental areas, and 3 national-level experimental teaching Demonstration Center, 1 National Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, 1 National Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Project, 1 National Off-campus Practice Education Base for College Students, 1 National College Practice Education and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base, 1 Provincial College Student Entrepreneurship Incubation demonstration base.

The campus of Shandong Agricultural University covers an area of 5,145 acres, with a construction area of 1.04 million square meters. The total value of teaching and research equipment is 807 million yuan. The library has 2.77 million books and 1.58 million electronic books.

The school has agricultural colleges, plant protection colleges, resources and environment colleges, forestry colleges, horticultural science and engineering colleges, colleges of animal science and technology (faculty of animal medicine), colleges of mechanical and electrical engineering, colleges of economic management (business school), food science and Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Life Sciences, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Public Administration, Faculty of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Faculty of Information Science and Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry and Materials Science, Faculty of International Exchange, Faculty of Physical Education, Faculty of Art, Marxist College, College of Continuing Education and Farmers Colleges include 21 colleges.

Shandong Agricultural University has won 29 national science and technology achievement awards, including the first prize for national technological inventions, and more than 400 provincial and ministerial science and technology achievement awards. He has won 8 national teaching achievement awards, including 1 national teaching achievement special award, 2 first prizes, and 84 provincial or higher teaching achievement awards. Since the establishment of the school, Li Zhensheng, Impression Chu, Zhu Zhaoliang, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shu Huairui, Shan Lun, Yu Zhenwen, Li Yu, and Li Peiwu, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Tang Keli, academicians of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, four “Changjiang scholars”, There are more than 220,000 outstanding talents of 5 national thousand people plan, youth thousand people plan, 12 national Jie Qing and other outstanding representatives.

Shandong Agricultural University and University of California, Davis, University of Kentucky, University of Georgia, University of Idaho, Purdue University, University of Florida, University of Ottawa, Royal Agricultural University, Chester University, Essen, Germany University of Technology, University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, University of Liege in Belgium, Agricultural University of Greece in Greece, University of Lithuania Vytautas Magnus, University of Zagreb in Croatia, University of Slovenia Ljubljana, University of Maribor, Australia Flinders University, Lincoln University of New Zealand, Lome University of Togo, Chiba University of Japan, Chinese Cultural University of Taiwan, ZTE University, and Yishou University have established inter-university cooperative relations.


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