Food Tour with Teresa and Jim

2018. Oct 8th


As many of you may know October 1st is the Chinese Nataional Day, and in China we have a complete week off. During that week, most Chinese people travel and enjoy the break. Because a large number of population are traveling and that week is called by the Chinese people the ‘Golden Week’, one of the busiest week for people to travel to other cities or countries. On the 2nd day of the golden week, ISAC invited Jim who are currently teaching in a university in Wenzhou and Teresa who are teaching in a middle school in Foshan to have our October food tour. We have visited Hangzhou city hall, various Hangzhou cuisine restaurants, temples, pavillions as well as West Lake, Hefang Jie ancient streets area, City God Temple on WuShan. It has been a very enjoyable and fun day tour.

Please visit ISAC Youtube Site for videos of the food tour.


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