头发花白,嘴角常挂微笑,穿着讲究,因为发型的原因常被学生们亲切地称为“爱因斯坦”。这位年过花甲的老人,依然保持着一颗年轻的心。他就是我校英语口语老师——Daniel Martin Vorster,来自被誉为“彩虹之国”的南非。
在提到大东软的校园环境设施和周边环境时,Daniel嘴角上扬,开心地笑了。“I think it’s like a garden.”他说,他喜欢这所学校花园式的环境和欧式的建筑风格,他愿意在这里奉献自己的一切。“我很喜欢这个学校的春天,各种各样的花非常漂亮。”
“‘To learn and to apply’ 是学校的校训,我非常喜欢这句话。我也把这句话运用到了我的教学中。同学们要做好自己,并且结合自身情况,把自己学到的知识运用到实际。”Daniel说,他总是和同学们互动,用鼓励、激励的方式让学生们参与到课堂中。欢乐的气氛让他的课堂深受学生喜爱。他认为教书是一个教学相长、互相学习的过程,同学们在他的帮助下能锻炼口语,他也能在同学们那里获得新的启发。
“在非洲的时候,我教的是非洲语。我认为语言非常有趣。” Daniel一边说着,还一边把“How do you do?”这句话翻译成非洲语,说着说着自己就笑了。
课堂之外,他喜欢跟同学们聊天,与大家分享他的人生故事,倾听同学们的生活与想法。他说他不只教英语,他更是年轻人的人生导师。“You just need to follow your heart and you will be better.” Daniel喜欢用这句话鼓励同学们追逐自己的梦想。
There is a special group of people at Dalian Neusoft University of Information: they come from different countries, have different cultural backgrounds, speak different languages, and use different teaching methods. They are foreign teachers who have travelled across oceans to China for teaching.
He has gray hair, smiles at the corners of his mouth, and is well-dressed. Because of his hairstyle, he is often affectionately called “Einstein” by students. This man who is over sixties still maintains a young heart. He is our school’s oral English teacher-Daniel Martin Vorster, from South Africa known as the “Rainbow Country”.
“I chose to be a teacher because I want to serve the society and dedicate myself.” Daniel came to China to teach a few months ago. He came to Dalian due to an accident and bold ideas. He said: “I have tried many industries before, worked in a company, and worked as a soldier. In these attempts, I think only a teacher is the best for me.”
When speaking of the campus facilities and surrounding environment of Da Neusoft, Daniel smiled. “I think it’s like a garden.” He said, he likes the garden-like environment and European architectural style of this school, and he is willing to dedicate everything he has here. “I like the spring in this school very much. The flowers are very beautiful.”
“‘To learn and to apply’ is the school motto of the school. I like this idea very much. I also apply this idea to my teaching. Students must be good at themselves, and combine their own situation, and take what they have learned Apply knowledge to practice.” Daniel said, he always interacts with his classmates, and encourages and encourages students to participate in the classroom. The joyful atmosphere made his class very popular among students. He believes that teaching is a process of teaching and learning from each other. With his help, students can practice oral English, and he can also get new inspiration from them.
“When I was in Africa, I taught African language. I think the language is very interesting.” While Daniel said, he translated the phrase “How do you do?” into African, and he smiled as he said it.
Outside of the classroom, he likes to chat with his students, share his life story with them, and listen to his students’ lives and ideas. He said that he not only teaches English, he is also a life mentor for young people. “You just need to follow your heart and you will be better.” Daniel likes to use these words to encourage students to follow their dreams.
“I originally thought Chinese people are very restrained.” This was Daniel’s first impression of Chinese people. As he lived in China longer and longer, he slowly discovered that Chinese people are very sincere and enthusiastic. At school, he met many colleagues and classmates. He said that these people made him truly feel the charm of the Chinese. Daniel likes China, Chinese dumplings and noodles, Chinese red, and Chinese weddings. Next month, his daughter will also work in Hubei.
An English teacher said: “Daniel is a very humorous. He often comes to the office to tell us about his experience and exchange some of his teaching methods and educational concepts.”
Daniel’s cheerful optimism affects the people around him. Everyone loves this foreign friend very much, and many students come here to listen. Daniel, who loves making friends, said that in a foreign land, students are his best company.
(Source: Dalian Neusoft University)
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