寒来暑往,秋收冬藏。秋日是硕果丰收的季节,一年一度的感恩节也如约而至。11月23日,国际交流处在明华楼574会议室开展了感恩节庆祝活动。此次活动邀请了校长叶才福、学保处常务副处长包静波以及本学期国外合作院校来校授课外教老师参与。部门全体中教15人、常驻英语外教12人参加。活动由国际交流处外籍教师 Dr. Scott Stockton主持。
Autumn is the season of fruitful harvest, and the annual Thanksgiving Day also came on November 23rd 2023, the International Exchange Office carried out Thanksgiving Day celebration activities in Conference Room 574 of Minghua Building. The activity invited President Ye Caifu, Executive Vice Director of the Academic Security Office Bao Jingbo, and foreign teachers from foreign partner institutions who came to teach in this semester to take part in the activity. All 15 Chinese teachers of the department and 12 resident English foreign teachers attended. The event was hosted by Dr. Scott Stockton, a foreign teacher from the International Exchange Office.
活动在Dr. Stockton幽默风趣的言语中开场,他诙谐的调侃调动起了现场活跃的气氛。活动伊始,天华学院校长叶才福致辞,叶校长向在场中外教师和嘉宾致以最真挚的节日祝福。叶校长指出我们需要感恩生活在了这个最好的时代,拥有了好的资源和机会才得以创造现在生活的美好。随后,国际交流处处长胡珍肯定了过去一年部门全体教师的辛勤付出,宣读了在过去的2022-2023学年,在部门的教学和工作中作出了突出贡献的表彰名单,并由叶校长为四位获奖教师颁发荣誉证书。
The event started with Dr. Stockton’s humorous remarks, and his witty banter mobilized the lively atmosphere. At the beginning of the event, Mr. Ye Caifu, President of Tianhua College, delivered a speech, in which he extended his best wishes to the Chinese and foreign teachers and guests. President Ye pointed out that we need to be thankful for living in this best time and having good resources and opportunities to create a better life now. Afterwards, Hu Zhen, Director of International Exchange Office, acknowledged the hard work of all teachers in the department in the past year, read out a list of commendations for their outstanding contributions to the teaching and work of the department in the past 2022-2023 school year, and President Yeh presented certificates of honor to the four award-winning teachers.
Thanksgiving is a traditional holiday in the United States, originating from the early Puritans who immigrated to the American continent to give thanks to nature and gratitude to the original inhabitants. In modern times, the significance of Thanksgiving Day has gone beyond gratitude to nature and appreciation for family and friends to reminding people to cherish what they have now: gratitude for the times we live in, gratitude for the workplace, and gratitude for all those around us, including family, friends, and coworkers, who give us a helping hand. In addition, Thanksgiving emphasizes the spirit of charity and giving back to the community, encouraging people to care for others, especially those who need more help in their lives.
In recent years, Thanksgiving Day celebration has become one of the routine activities of the International Exchange Office. The Thanksgiving Day celebration not only enhances the communication and cooperation within the International Exchange Office, but also improves the team cohesion; it also perpetuates the meaning of Thanksgiving Day, so that we can devote ourselves to the future life and work with gratitude, and work together to draw the blueprint for the development of international exchange and cooperation of Tianhua College.
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