One Mooncake, One World

Updated 2020-10-14

The 71st anniversary of the founding of New China coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival. In order to promote multicultural communication and exchanges, the School of International Cooperation of Xi’an International University organized a celebration event with the theme of One Mooncake, One World.

We use an English video to tell the foreign teachers the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the introduction of some allusions. Our school’s ancient orchestra also brought wonderful performances.

This activity allowed foreign teachers to have a deeper understanding of Chinese traditional festivals and traditional culture.

秋高气爽,丹桂飘香,新中国成立71周年与中秋佳节如约而至。为了增强中外籍教师团队凝聚力,促进多元文化沟通与交流,国际合作学院国际交流中心与老子学院共同举办了一场以“同一个月饼,同一个世界(One Mooncake, One World)”为主题的中外联欢庆中秋活动。本次活动在我校七方书院的二楼举办。


(Credit: Xi’an International University)

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