JUFE Teachers Families and International Students Paired Up

2018. Apr. 1st


In JUFE, there is a cross-cultural activity called ”pair-share “,which can show JUFE’s concern and welcome for foreign students. In the new semester, on March 22 afternoon, this activity was held and attracted 22 foreign students and 12 JUFE teachers to come and see. “pair-share“, formed between JUFE teachers families and international students, is a good platform to promote the international communication.

Teachers and international students arrived at the location of the event early, sitting around, chatting and laughing. Teachers were put in the first place of the self-introduction to attract international students: some teachers’ kids displayed fluent English talents and won much applause; some showed off their cooking skills and some even performed kungfu to make a deep impression. International students were coming after, some were shy, but some were articulate to express their passion for Chinese culture and some can even speak smooth Chinese as a native speaker.


Next step is the climax of the activity— free talk and two-way selection. Teachers families and international students sat and talked in twos and threes. After almost one hour’s time of communication and selection, international students were all paired up with favored teachers families. The two sides exchanged contact information and took photos as a keepsake.

A totally new experience will create because of the cross-cultural collision and exchange. Hope international students and teachers have a happy family time.



About JUFE

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics


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