Updated 2020-07-26
“南京具有很高的开放性和包容度。我要把我感受到的南京的魅力介绍给包括日本在内的全世界,我会用我的一生来做!”这是在南京的基本网红小哥哥竹内亮(Takeuchi Ryo)的获奖感言。竹内亮是南京和之梦文化传播有限公司影视导演,他热爱南京,多年致力于向外国人讲述中国的故事,为中日友谊和交流中做出了贡献。他在南京曾拍摄过《长江天地大纪行》、《我住在这里的理由》和《东游食记》等影片。新冠肺炎期间,他拍摄的系列影片《南京抗疫现场》在国内外引起轰动,被人民日报、央视新闻等主流媒体采访报道引发热评,并在日本朝日电视台、TBS电视台等媒体热播,获得巨大反响。
来自德国的科思(Stefan Koss)是博西家电大中华区的高级副总裁兼首席财务官。科思两次选择到南京工作。2014年初任现职至今,一直促进博西家电在南京的投资,公司及其在宁子公司自2016年起连续4年纳税额逾10亿元。此外,科思还响应政府号召,积极推动并加速博西家电多年来贯彻的德国“双元制”人才培养模式。在他的领导下,博西中国连续六年被杰出雇主调研机构评选为“中国杰出雇主”,是唯一成功上榜的家电类企业。
除了竹内亮,今年金陵友谊奖“网红”还有来自美国的理查德·西尔斯(Richard Horace Sears)。西尔斯是高新技术企业南京视网么信息科技有限公司特聘专家,自上个世纪90年代开始致力于电脑数字化每一个汉字的甲骨文、金文写法,很多人亲切称他为“汉字叔叔”。西尔斯来南京之前,曾在北京师范大学任外籍教师,登上央视《开学第一课》、《朗读者》等节目,近年加盟南京视网么信息科技有限公司,倾其30多年研究成果开发“汉字书局”项目,向全世界各个国家与民族提供优质的汉字汉语学习材料。
金陵友谊奖获奖人中还有加拿大的亚当·曼沙(Adam Grant Mantha),他是南京市第十三中学国际高中(南京邦德国际学校)加方校长,2008年来中国,2012年到南京十三中工作,在南京工作8年多,对这座城市怀有深厚感情。亚当用新颖独特的西方式教学方法给学生们营造全英语环境,通过课堂学习、互动讨论、分组研究全面提升学生的英语能力,并积极推进加拿大暑期夏令营、国际教育嘉年华等教学项目。
On June 22, at the 2020 Nanjing Tech Week Conference, 15 foreign experts were awarded the Jinling Friendship Award. The 15 foreign experts who won this year’s awards come from 13 countries including Canada, Germany, Sweden, and Russia etc. Among the award winners there are foreign scientists in the construction of new-type R&D institutions and high-tech enterprises in Nanjing, international friends who are committed to fighting the new crown pneumonia epidemic, executives of foreign-funded enterprises, and scholars who have promoted international scientific and technological cooperation in colleges and universities for many years.
In order to thank foreign experts for their contributions to Nanjing’s economic construction and social development, the Nanjing Municipal People’s Government established the Jinling Friendship Award in 2007 and held the first Jinling Friendship Award ceremony in 2010. After that, the awards is awarded in even-numbered years. The practice is the highest honor given by Nanjing to foreign experts. Up to now, a total of 70 foreign experts have won this award.
“Nanjing has a high level of openness. I want to introduce the charm of Nanjing that I feel to the world, including Japan, and I will use my life to do it!” This is the Internet celebrity Takeuchi’s acceptance speech. Takeuchi Ryo is the film and television director of Nanjing Hezhimeng Culture Communication Co., Ltd. He loves Nanjing and has been committed to telling Chinese stories to foreigners for many years, and has made contributions to the friendship and exchanges between China and Japan. He has filmed films such as “A Journey to the World of the Yangtze River”, “The Reason I Live Here” and “Journey to the East” in Nanjing. During the period of the new crown pneumonia, his series of films “Nanjing Anti-epidemic Scene” caused a sensation at home and abroad. It was interviewed and reported by People’s Daily, CCTV News and other mainstream media, and it was also broadcasted on TV Asahi, TBS and other media.
Stefan Koss from Germany is the senior vice president and chief financial officer of BSH Greater China. Koss chose to work in Nanjing twice. Since the beginning of 2014, he has been promoting the investment of BSH Home Appliances in Nanjing. Since 2016, the company and its subsidiary in Nanjing have taxed more than 1 billion yuan for four consecutive years. In addition, Koss actively promotes and accelerates talent training. Under his leadership, Bossie China has been selected as the “Top Employer in China” by the Top Employer Research Institute for six consecutive years, and is the only home appliance company that has successfully made the list.
In addition to Takeuchi Ryo, this year’s Jinling Friendship Award “Internet celebrity” also includes Richard Horace Sears from the United States. Sears is a special expert of Nanjing Shiwangme Information Technology Co., Ltd., a high-tech enterprise. Since the 1990s, he has been committed to computer digitization of the oracle bone inscriptions and inscriptions of each Chinese character. Many people kindly call him “Uncle Chinese Characters.” Before Sears came to Nanjing, he worked as a foreign teacher at Beijing Normal University and appeared on CCTV’s “First Class”, “Reader” and other programs. In recent years, he joined Nanjing Shiwangme Information Technology Co., Ltd. and devoted more than 30 years of research results. Develop the “Chinese Character Bookstore” project to provide high-quality Chinese character Chinese learning materials to countries and nations all over the world.
Among the winners of the Jinling Friendship Award is Adam Grant Mantha of Canada. He is the Canadian principal of Nanjing No. 13 International High School (Nanjing Bond International School). He came to China in 2008 and went to Nanjing in 2012. Working in the Third Middle School, I have worked in Nanjing for more than 8 years and have deep affection for this city. Adam uses a novel and unique Western-style teaching method to create an all-English environment for students. Through classroom learning, interactive discussion, and group research, he comprehensively improves students’ English ability, and actively promotes Canadian summer camps, international education carnivals and other teaching projects.
(Source: NJDaily)
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