SIE Education


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Introduction to SIE Education

SIE Education Shenzhen (SIE Education Shenzhen, website) is affiliated to Shenzhen Meikaiyu Human Resources Co., Ltd. The company is founded in 2013; it is committed to international education exchanges, mainly engaged in foreign teacher services, labor dispatch business, and international TESOL teacher training business.

SIE International College is an educational institution affiliated to Shenzhen SIE Education. It provides international courses for American primary and secondary schools, including English literature, mathematics, science, physics, chemistry, TOEFL, IELTS, etc., and can obtain an American high school diploma after graduation.

All teachers of SIE have a bachelor’s degree or above and international curriculum teaching experience, and have obtained teacher work visas and foreign expert certificates issued by the Chinese government.

We hire high quality teachers for its outsourcing teaching programs with local best school in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhongshan, Dongguan etc. All schools are setting with professional work conditions; Training provided by company and opportunities for advancement.


Shenzhen City VR


Teaching Program

english iconISAC Teach in China Program

english iconISAC University Teaching Program

english iconJob Board


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